James Short
10 min readJan 4, 2021

UFOs: Where do they come from, and how does their flying seem to defy the laws of physics?

I can’t prove what I’m about to say except to say that many individuals have claimed to have seen and spoken to supernatural beings while under the influence of certain psychedelic drugs. The only additional evidence my story might have going for it is that what I’m about to write below involves quantum physics and philosophy that goes beyond anything that even the most brilliant human mind could ever conjure up. I was told by supernatural beings where UFOs come from, their reality and how the flying saucer defies the laws of physics.

Do you remember this famous photo?

The above was one of three unidentified flying objects that was captured by US navy pilots that was released by the pentagon in September 2019.

In this particular clip, the UFO was travelling against the wind and rotating counterclockwise.

These crafts have origins that are not man made and go beyond our worldview and understanding, regardless of whether they maybe carbon-based lifeforms or just probes which are not unsimilar to the probes that we ourselves send to various planets around the solar system which are used to catalog and observe the planets.

Where do they come from?

These things have flown here in the same sort of fashion that our own probes have traveled to Mars and other planets. Even if we accept the unlikely possibly that they traveled from some distant star system (the closed being Alpha Centauri which is four light years away), these probes would simply orbit the Earth using Earth’s own gravity, which clearly they do not.

Okay so where could they come from?

Have you ever heard of the theory that our universe is a simulation within a simulation? Fyi — this is not the same “multi-worlds” view postulated by Stephan Hawking, even though both are based on interpretations or extensions of the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. I’m not sure who posited the idea first, but there are some very smart people who believe in the Simulation Hypothesis.

Elon Musk is one.

Musk’s argument is rather simple; In the past 30 years our video game simulations have made tremendous progress ever since the very first game of pong came out. So just imagine what our simulations will be like in 10,000 years from now! Its not unthinkable that by that time, we will be able to simulate our own reality in every detail! However if this is truly a possibility, then who is to say that we’re not already living inside a simulation that exists inside some other base reality or perhaps another simulation? Perhaps these UFOs are from this other base reality!?

There are other arguments for the Simulation Hypothesis.

Here’s one of them;

This is a hydrogen atom which supposedly makes up over 70% of the universe;

Don’t let the varying densities of the aquas green and yellow colors fool you. The density of the color in any particular region is correlated with the probability that the electron will be detected there — the more dense the color, the higher the probability that the electron would be measured there. Its evolution is time dependent and is determined by the “wave function”. The wave function is a mathematical construct because its just a probability density function PDF — its not real.

And because the wave function is just a mathematical construct, in essence when looking at the world through a quantum telescope, we are in essence seeing this;

And here’s a more thorough explanation of how QM proves that our reality is like a video game simulation. Again we’ll use images of the hydrogen atom which detail the wave function.

Systems at the quantum level do not have definite properties prior to being observed (interacted) with, and that it is observation which collapses an otherwise indefinite state of the system (ex. a hydrogen atom) into one which abides by classical mechanics. Quantum mechanics, therefore, cannot deduce definite properties of quantum-scale matter; rather, it uses probability distributions known as wave functions to deduce the probability of various classical states upon observation. This is the Copenhagen interpretation of QM.

The word “observation” in those two sentences means “collapse of the wave function” — which is just a physicists techno jargon for saying that the state of matter fell into a well-defined deterministic state, whereas before the moment of “observation”, God (or the universe) had yet to determine the state of that matter because it was yet to be well defined.

Okay so what is REAL when reality on the smallest scale only exists in a state of probability until the wave function collapses it into a deterministic state?

Answer: Who knows — but our reality ain’t real!

However what if I were to tell you that the same thing happens in video games via a process called ‘procedural generation’?

When writing/programming a virtual reality (for a video game say), the only way to prevent an infinitude of data to be programmed into a well-defined virtual reality, is to collapse 99% + of all the details that define that reality unless that aspect of that particular reality is being ‘interacted’ with by the so-called “game character”.


The above is an image of some object or landscape within a virtual environment before any interaction is had. Notice the vague ill-defined details? This is intentional in order to preserve data.

Now here is what that same landscape might look like once it has been collapsed to a specific state as a result of interaction via procedural generation;

Does this seem familiar?

The collapse of the wave function (aka the collapse of some system from a non-defined state to one that is ‘defined’) isan analogous example of the “procedural generation” used in our own man-made video games!

I can go into the details or algorithms that computer programmers use to define details in a video games when they are interacted (aka collapsed). Obviously the’re not exactly like Schrodinger’s equation. Iterating functions are used a lot. In any case that’s a topic for another day.

So back to our question: Where do UFOs come from?

That come from whatever base reality or other simulation that our own simulation is embedded in. This is what Elon Musk thinks, this is what supernatural beings told be during my DMT trip…….and it makes sense!

Next question: How does their flying defy the laws of physics?

Well if these crafts really do come from the reality for which our simulation is embedded in, clearly they don’t need to obey our laws of physics. Perhaps they are using some kind of game “cheat code’’.

Let’s assume that their not breaking the laws of physics of our simulation or only manipulating some of them.

My tentative answer would be some kind of ‘’time slowing’’ such as Albert Einstein’s time dilation.

Look at these two photos which have been cropped together:

What if I were to tell you that the photo on the left wasn’t a photo at all, but rather a running video of a newlywed couple who were just standing very very still? Would you be able to tell the difference?

Or how about whenever you look at an image on your television screen when nothing in the image is changing. How would you be able to know that you’re looking at a running video or just a snapshot in time?

You see where this is going right?

“Time” is just the process or evolution of physical change. There is no invisible grand master clock to our universe!

Now suppose we define time in terms of “units of change”(aka the transfer of energy from point A to point B) .

Consider an enclosed system which consists of only two electrons which are exchanging a photon of energy back and forth (like a game of pong).

Forget about seconds, minutes or hours. How could we define “a unit of change” for this simple system?

Well when the photon leaves the electron on the bottom, that electron loses energy and later the electron on the top gains this energy when it receives the photon. The photon then leaves that electron and the energy is returned to the first electron again. This cycle then repeats itself.

This simple process allows us to define a “unit of change” so to speak:

One unit = one cycle of the photon going from the first electron to the second one and then back again.

Lets call this unit of change “one photon second”.

Now suppose we accelerate this simple system to the right as per the arrow in the image below;

Suddenly it is now going to take longer for the photon to complete its cycle, because it’s going to have to travel some horizontal distance to travel between the electrons, which means the electrons will be losing/gaining energy at a slower rate compared to before. Thus we have slowed down the evolution of change for this system, and by definition have thus slowed down time.

How much slower will the cycle of change be?

Well if the two-electron system is travelling at speed v, the slow-down factor can be mathematically calculated to be the Lorentz factor;

The above equation only take a little bit of grade nine mathematics since we use right triangles and the Pythagorean theorem. This simple system can be generalized to larger and more complex enclosed systems like a spaceship full of people. This is because everything is made up of particles such as electrons, atoms, protons, neutrons etc., and all of these particles interact and change with one another through the transfer/exchange of energy which travel at the speed of light via some kind of force(s) which all travel at c. In the case of the photon, its the electromagnetic force, however there are more (gravity, strong force, weak force etc). All forces travel at light speed.

Thus if we take this system of particles and accelerate it to a speed which is comparable to the speed at which energy transfer/exchange occurs, we slow down the “evolution of physical change” and as such, all events within this enclosed system will take longer to occur, thus slowing down time by definition.

The more astute reader will have obviously noticed that this derivation isn’t directly derived from Einstein’s two postulates of Special Relativity, namely;

The laws of physics are the same and can be stated in their simplest form in all inertial frames of reference (First postulate).


The speed of light c is a constant, independent of the relative motion of the source (Second postulate).

The first postulate cannot be derived from the line of thinking used in this answer, but to be fair, you don’t need to apply this law to derive the Lorentz equations of special relativity anyway.

The same cannot be said of the Second postulate unfortunately. However given that we can already derive the time dilation Lorentz factor using this line of reasoning, we can extend this and also prove the Second postulate — that is to say, anyone measuring the speed of light on the moving ship will still come up with an answer of c because while the photon travelling between the two electrons takes longer by a factor of γ to travel to and from each electron (according to the people on Earth), so too has time appeared to slow down as well (if the people on Earth were skyping with the spaceship people, they’d see them moving in slow motion by a factor of γ).

Basically if we call the answer to this question statement A and the Second postulate statement B, than I believe in can be shown that A ~ B

That is,

Let A be the statement — Time is the measure of change/transfer of energy from point X to point Y.

Let B be Einstein’s Second postulate. Then A ~ B.

Okay so back to the question “How can UFOs move the way that they do?’’

They can manipulate the value of c within their surrounding and thus manipulate the flow of time. As such it appears that they can change direction on a dime, or have infinitude of acceleration for brief moments of time. And they’re able to manipulate c because our simulation is like a video game to them and they are applying some sort of ‘’cheat code”!

Anyway call me a crackpot but **I CHALLENGE YOU** to try and finds any flaws in the above logic and reasoning!